Saturday, November 17, 2012

How To Meditate Now - 5 Easy Steps

Countless pages have been written on meditation, however, always, the best is the simplest, the most beautiful is the simplest. These five simple steps will enable you to experience meditation and make it a personal experience, not a rigid ritual. Meditation is a great self healing and self growth tool.

The Recipe:

Find a meditation spot.

Sit in a comfortable position, preferably with a straight back. But be comfortable.

Say this to yourself:
I respect my mind and my ego, for now I ask my mind to step aside and allow me to become an observer of my mind. I will seek tranquility in this moment and calm
I will have non-judgmental awareness of any thoughts that come and go

Simply sit and observe:
Focus your attention on one of these: follow your breathing, concentrate on the area between your eyebrows, or look at a candle, or imagine some objects and concentrate on it (like a crystal flower)
Observe your thoughts (do not try to stop thinking, that's impossible). Simply have non-judgmental awareness of any thoughts that come and then let them go
If you start to think, re-establish your focus on whatever it is you were focusing on. Do not judge any action, any sound, any thought. Bask in the moment, and observe.
End Your Meditation: calmly, thank yourself, thank your mind and ego.


This is a tradition-free meditation, not buddhist, taosit, but rather a very basic and abstract recipe that works. I have used this with hypnosis clients and it works every time. Call it meditation, hypnosis, resting, whatever you call it doesn't matter. The experience matters more. Doing the above steps will allow you to have the experience.

Your thoughts are like drops
When you meditate eventually you will be able to distinguish each drop,
not only during meditation but in daily life
you will think clearer
and know thyself better

Until next time,
Stay well

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